Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Quilters Guild of NSW Quilt Show 2013

So the Show is over for another year and what a show it was. A record breaking 400+ entries. I went three times and enjoyed it all. The quilts were fantastic and I caught up with many friends and some people from my years of teaching- past.

When we were in Sweden last year, I bought a felt pincushion. At the show, I found a very interesting stall and bought some wool rovings to have a 'felting session'. The stall owner, Annie Huntley was very helpful.

Some shots from the quilt exhibition

B blog


Library: BOOKCASE 
One bookcase a library does not make! However, there are 
other bookcases around the house. This was the first piece 
of furniture I bought after I started teaching. Now it houses 
mainly my books, our photos and part of David's extensive 
Jazz collection. On the second shelf from the top, midway, 
there is also an old Bible which a woman from Perth sent me. 
I had noticed her post on a family thread asking if any Gummer
would like the Bible which she had found at a market stall. 
The post was three years old so I didn't hold great hopes of it 
still being available as I have a number of Gummer cousins in 
Perth. However, it became mine. It was given to two girls who 
were assisted immigrants in Launceston by the C of E Sunday 
School c1845 before they departed for Melbourne. 

I have yet to make contact with the Victorian 
Gummers but hope I might be able to return the Bible 
to the descendants of its former owners. 
I also hope to find out if we are related.

The Bible is well travelled!


BORONIA perhaps Boronia Ledifolia... 
aka Sydney Boronia. This beautiful shrub is gracing our back 
fence. To be honest, I can't describe the smell/perfume as 
I can't climb up there to find out  (...I would have to trespass 
from the next street). Hopefully, it isn't the stinking boronia, 
Boronia Anemonifolia! Perhaps Vireya can enlighten us! 
I am hoping some techie is able to come up with an iPad 
which has 'scratch and sniff' Apps! Hold that thought! 
I'm claiming it as my intellectual property!

Equipment: BINDING TOOL! I have never used it!

Blog:  BloomandBlossom
I came across the link below and like some of 
the free patterns for habby holders.

My other blog is about what is of interest to me on the day: family, social justice, blah!
It was my mother's 90th birthday on Thursday. 
We had a small party of 6 at an Italian restaurant, 
'Gatto Matto' in Five Dock. We had a wonderful time 
and Mum loved it. I will post a photo when I have 
downloaded them from her phone.

Catch up with with the rest of the Scatterdays team 
on Cinzia's blog:
ps pls excuse the botched background in the Boronia para. Will fix it when I'm less tired.!