Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pork chop

I am a bit of a pork chop! Can someone please explain what a 'PIG in the sewing room' is? Acronym? I'm guessing secret quilter's business. Any light will be greatly appreciated.

Have just found one suggestion: 'Project in Grocery Sack'.....I gues that's manageable PI....but GS ? Tis acronym has whiskers on it!


  1. I think it is something you have started then put aside somewhere in a plastic shopping bag (American version - grocery sack). I'm assuming it is the same as an unfinished object (UFO), because none of mine are in plastic bags.

  2. I'll be working on the principle of an UNSTARTED project/kit/fabric collection that has not yet fought it's way out of it's shopping bag ... regardless of how many years it has been in there! ;-)
