Saturday, October 26, 2013

P....The princess of the alphabet


Parrots: small to medium sized, arboreal

Returning home from a round trip to Rocklands Rd yesterday, I walked under a beautiful Bottlebrush in full bloom. It was more notable than normal due to the screeching of a micro flock of parrots....lorikeets sipping the honey. 

 For the uninitiated lorikeet-twitchers, I include my photo from a trip to the Currumbin bird sanctuary in 2011 
as the video I took yesterday is more about sound than seeing the birds...too fast for my point and shoot. 

P@ Books Books: Paris 'n' Patchwork
Lots of Patchwork books


a beautiful book on Paris ...'Living in Paris' by Jose Alvarez

page 147..... led us to the Gobelin Museum which was phenomenal

P@PIG ...... 'Provence' in Gladbag
I guess Quilting PIGS are porcine when you haven't done much about finishing them!  I shelved this one under  'P for Provencal' after having collected most of the fabrics in France in 2004. I did start some 'feathering' around the napkin but need another trip to further the inspiration!

P@ Furniture

This setting has come in handy on the front verandah particularly when it's too hot inside.

Peer closely at the other P Scatterers' contributions @

Postscript: What a pity! It's not a book!


  1. Wonderful Ps! I liked the video - parrots are a lot easier to hear than see. It is amazing that even with their vivid colouring they can be hard to spot when they are up a tree.

    You need to be travelling with our fellow Scatterdayer Jenni, who is in France at the moment (, to get your inspiration back!

  2. Thanks, Vireya! I wish you and Jenni were a lot closer ..... or vice versa. Your quilting group seems very supportive and encouraging. i have been enjoying her travels and have noted some to-do places.

  3. Yes, I have chosen a bird for my animal too. I love to look at Parrots, but not listen to them. I have a theory that the more beautiful the bird, the worse its call, and vice versa. The plainest brown birds often have the most magnificent calls! Good luck with completing your PIG!

  4. Oh darn ... Perils of Pauline reminded me I could have used "Penelope Pickles and Pam" for a book! - That one I do have - and named the last cat after Pickles!
